Awesome Achievers in Science, non-fiction that will hook kids

For a person who is not in elementary school I hang out a lot in an elementary school library. We volunteer at the school most weeks and usually end up where the books are. I like to talk to the librarians, see what the kids are reading and see what the librarians need. Lately, most of the chatter has been that they want more non-fiction books that will engage kids. Awesome Achievers in Science is the second book in this series and does exactly that. The book profiles 12 people in science who make a difference our everyday life. The kicker is that each profile is short, entertaining and fun to read for third graders and up.

Awesome Achievers in Science is non-fiction fun that ages 8 and up will enjoy (yes-enjoy) reading.
Get upper elementary age kids to read non-fiction will you? This book takes that dare and wins

Awesome Achievers in Technology, short stories of innovation for 8 and up

Eight pages should not be this entertaining and be able to tell a contained story.  That’s what I was thinking at the end of each profile in Awesome Achievers in Technology, Super and Strange Facts about 12 Almost Famous History Makers. Awesome Achieves is a new book series written by Alan Katz, who wrote the very funny book The Day The Mustache Took Over, its sequel and many others. This is an educational book, but it’s also fun to read and provides dozens of ‘light bulb’ moments when readers will see the moment that something special in history was created.

Awesome Achievers in Technology is the first in a series of books. It features 12 tech titans who you probably don’t know.
8 YO readers (and older…) will dig this book, read on we say….
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