Youth baseball coach dad wins the internet

Did you see that viral video of the karate teacher telling his student that it was OK to cry? For us this video is right up there with it. The brakes are off of the feel train in a real, unscripted moment that I want to be the standard for youth sports.

As a kid I was never too into team sports. As an adult I recognize the values and lessons that they teach. However, as a kid playing them they just weren’t much fun. Now that I’m the parent I’m cognizant of that and direct our kids into the activities that they want to do, with a little bit of advice too. Having said that, neither of our kids are too attracted to group sports at this point in time, but they are quite young.

It would be too easy to show examples on the other side of the parenting and sports equation. This coach and this parent, 100 times more please.

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