Sonny Says Mine!, a lesson to learn and fun to be had

Board books have a baby reputation. Granted, it’s deservedly so unless I start seeing elementary school readers chewing on pages. Every board book is aimed at small children, yet their content can vary from simple concepts to an early introduction to quantum physics. Sonny Says Mine! is an interesting book because its page thickness is more board book, than an illustrated book, but has more in common with poster board than anything else. The content in the book is more narrative than most illustrated books and is certainly complemented by the book’s large pages. The result is an early illustrated book that offers pre-K and elementary ages a big kid book, that softly teaches them behavior that will behoove them as they gather around bigger groups.

Sonny Says Mine! is a happy and lively, thick-paged illustrated book for pre-k and K readers as they go onward from board books.
herein lies The Cuteness between board books and illustrated books
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