Cranky Chicken, early reader graphic novel that levels up for some

A child’s first graphic novel and those graphic novels that speak to reluctant, young readers are two different things. If the latter category addresses the book as being too young or does them in such a manner that mid-elementary kids would find them babyish then they’ll be exiled to the first grade classroom. Conversely, if the content is too much then those younger readers see too much text, or the words are too big, then they’ll get psyched out. If a graphic novel is aiming for the nebulous category then it has to be funny, but not too silly, have some attitude, but not too much, in addition to having a story kids want to read, with enough pictures and length to make it worth their while, so, no pressure. Cranky Chicken is a graphic novel that’s not a kid’s first graphic novel, but many first grade students will want to read it. It’s also a graphic novel the sublimely hits the Jell-O people who make up reluctant readers.

Cranky Chicken is a young enough for a kid’s first graphic novel, but has the intelligence that will also be attractive to reluctant readers.
Oh Cranky chicken, you had us at Cranky
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