Say hello to your new favorite graphic novel, Barb The Last Berzerker

Graphic novels are a cat video literary equivalent to things in the classroom. The great ones spread like wildfire to all corners of every reader and leave them gnawing at the pages for more. A great graphic novel can give younger readers the encouragement that they need to read longer-form books of any type. They can also provide mental downtime and allow readers to simply enjoy their book time. Barb The Last Berzerker, Book 1 is a great graphic novel the opens up a whole new world in the best of all non-Beauty and the Beast ways. It has the epic feel that will grab in older readers, the manic silliness mid-elementary students want, and street smart humor that allows the book to go to high school and beyond.

Great for ruluctant readers or those 8 and up who simply want to have fun
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