Willow the Armadillo, mixed results on a book with many messages

Somewhere between reality competition shows, Marvel movies and the love of books lies Willow the Armadillo. She’s an armadillo who wants to be a hero. She also loves picture books. A way to engage both of her passions is to become a hero in a picture book. The result is a cute book that never quite boils over with interest, but will entertain kids four through six who are looking for animal fun.

Willow the armadillo, it’s a good library read

The Great Pet Heist, a tail worth reading for ages 9-13

There are some books that elementary aged students like to read that demo up. For one reason or another, they’re accessible to older ages through their humor or heart. The Great Pet Heist is a book that mid-elementary through lower middle school readers will really enjoy. Will it demo up to those older readers?  

Far from ruff, this book is fun for ages 9 and up
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