Deadendia The Broken Halo, quirky LGBTQ sci-fi graphic novel

My weird is not your weird. What I think is different, odd or not my normal could be your go-to entertainment. Quirky is a much better word for that. Everything can be quirky. It’s the way that your dog walks around the bush three times before using the bathroom. It’s the way that some creators accent their characters to a degree in their mannerisms to make just a bit more eccentric than the rest of us. Deadendia The Broken Halo is the second book in the series by Hamish Steele on Nobrow. It’s full on quirky for those readers 14 and up who want a beautifully illustrated story that’s crafted in another dimension, then wrapped in bacon and served with a side of friendship, monsters and angels.

Deadendia: The Broken Halo is quirk-tastic, sci-fi with an LGBTQ twist
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