Dragon Con, comic book artists, STEM, Kid’s Track-oh my

“But we don’t dress up”, I need a button that says that when our neighbors ask us about Dragon Con. As a family, Dragon Con gets more and more entertaining every year we go.  Dragon Con happens in Atlanta over Labor Day every year. It is also family friendly. Our neighbors give us a side-eye when we say that also. All one needs to do is walk around downtown Atlanta when Dragon Con is happening and you’ll see hundreds of children accompanying their parents. This is a massively fun time for kids and families who have the right mindset.

Dragon Con continues to exceed expectations. In 2019 they upped their comic book artists, held the STEM steady and continued the Kid’s Track for 12 and under.

By the right mindset I mean, be OK with crowds. Over 85,000 people attended Dragon Con in 2019. It’s crowded everywhere you go. What’s amazing is that, despite its massive size and crowd the lines are constantly moving. Another mind boggling fact is that the vast majority of people you’ll encounter are chilled out.

Dragon Con continues to exceed expectations. In 2019 they upped their comic book artists, held the STEM steady and continued the Kid’s Track for 12 and under.
Dragon Con 2019 continues to be a fabulous g0-to destination for the family

Photo recap from the Dragon Con parade

The 2015 Dragon Con parade did not disappoint. There were even more spectators, the route was 1/10 of a mile longer and the cosplayers did a fabulous job. I saw many more Back to the Future people, lots of great Mad Max inspired costumes and vehicles, a massive superhero contingent and all sorts of aliens. It was a bonus that the weather in Atlanta was cooler than expected which led to happier audience member and much happier cosplayers in potentially heavy costumes.

I went to several sessions, walked around to all of the hotels and was in awe of the massive swarm of people. Even after the parade I saw lots of youth who were with their parents, going to sessions and having a great time.  These are the stand out photos that we took from the Dragon Con parade 2015.


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