Dragonwatch by Brandon Mull lives up to the hype

So, this is our first Brandon Mull book. I can say that it ‘lives up the hype’ because the fandom’s pressure for this book is huge. Dragonwatch is the second book in the Fablehaven series, a 5-book series whose first entry Fablehaven was a massive success. Dragonwatch is a great book that will be of interest to middle school children, as opposed to it being a book aimed at the middle school audience. That also means that adult audiences will enjoy this book as much as its potential reluctant readers in middle school.

It’s all the more remarkable that I really enjoyed this book because it comes with a massive cast of characters, mythical beasts and fantastic settings. Mull sets up the world in such a way that a first time reader can pick up Dragonwatch and understand what’s happening as soon as the characters speak. The intricacies of their personalities establish themselves in time, but the first time audience’s hooks are baited and we eagerly take a bite.

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