Easter basket ideas for boys

Boys are different than girls. Certainly, both a 6 year old boy and girl would love a good Easter egg hunt. However, when it comes to Easter basket ideas for boys you should plan accordingly; lest you have egg on your face. Sure, some of the items below will cross over to the girl Easter baskets and vice versa. Being the dad to a 4 and 6 year old boy we know what they’re asking for in their Easter basket and here are a variety of ideas that range from bigger items like the Star Wars throw to a trip to your local $1 store.

Star Wars, Skylanders, comics, dollar store, National Geographic, Hot Wheels, Easter basket gift ideas for boys, star wars throw

We were provided with the Star Wars throw and National Geographic books for the post, but, it’s Star Wars and Nat Geo. Everything else was paid for by us and all of the items would rock a boy’s Easter basket like nobody’s business.


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