Slamdown Town is middle grade reading gold

Take everything that a 10 year-old kid wants and put it into a middle-grade novel. It must have humor, heart, lots of jokes, parallels to school, the cliques that operate therein and have a side dash of science fiction. That’s a tall order but Slamdown Town encompasses all of those categories and another big one that will bring in some fans and that’s wrestling. Almost more impressively, the book weaves the wrestling into the book without alienating those that don’t like, or don’t know about the joys of a slightly pre-arranged body slam and victory.

Slamdown Town is a GREAT, go-to book for upper elementary through middle school readers

Dog Man For Whom The Ball Rolls, this time with more heart

Dog Man is a publishing behemoth. Not only do the books sell millions of copies, they’re read, re-read, shared, dog-eared, suffer broken spines and can usually only be spotted in elementary school libraries by the empty space that houses it for the five minutes in-between check outs. This is Greek to you unless you have a student in elementary school. We were like that with Captain Underpants. Sure the title is catchy, but we didn’t have a kid who could read yet and oh my gosh have you seen how ridiculously entertaining this book is?! Yeah, that was our reaction when our children first started reading it too.

Dog Man For Whom The Ball Rolls is seven books into the series and produces the most ‘mature’, confident book yet in this go-to elementary school series.

Dog Man is cut from the same (underwear) cloth. While Dog Man For Whom The Ball Rolls has similar elements to the first six books that made it a go-to for elementary school readers; there are elements that make this book the most mature in the series yet. 

Dog Man For Whom The Ball Rolls, deepens the characters and improves the pool

Mr. Wolf’s Class, Lucky Stars delivers the elementary reader goods

If you’re one of those elementary school parents who yearn for an original graphic novel that will appeal to your children Mr. Wolf’s Class, Lucky Stars is for you. Also, if you’re one of those elementary school students who want a think, entertaining graphic novel that perfectly captures life as you know it, check out Mr. Wolf’s Class, Lucky Stars. This book is proof that you don’t need potty humor to engage the reading bug in those students who between 6 and 9.

Mr. Wolf’s Class, Lucky Stars is the third entry in this fabulous series of original graphic novels that elementary aged readers will want to read.
If you’re looking for a great graphic novel for elementary aged kids, this is it.
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