Win a complete series of Explorer Academy, realistic fiction w/a STEM backbone

Explorer Academy is an ongoing mglit series that weaves in non-fiction globetrotting adventure travel, STEM smarts, and aspects of a family quest. Our protagonist, Cruz Coronado attends a prestigious school where 23 other kids from around the world study and learn the art of becoming explorers. It’s here where you can all but hear Miss Frizzle saying something motivational about questioning the process, outcome, or possibility as to how something can occur. I’ll be honest, I forget what she used to say, but it was a catchphrase that made her students reach further intellectually. I need a phrase like that for my students. The seventh book in the series is out and we’re hosting a giveaway for all of the Explorer Academy books. This giveaway ends soon, so double-time it on those responses.

Win a complete series of the Explorer Academy book series by Trudi Trueit, including The Forbidden Island.
A dande addition to your home (or school) Mglit library
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