Helping at Hope House with Ford Volunteer

With both kids in school I’ve got a little more time to volunteer. We’re doing some work with their school in the library and help the teacher out when they have specific requests. This week we’re also joining some folks from Ford Volunteer to do some light construction at Hope House in Atlanta. Hope House is a place in Atlanta that offers temporary housing for people that are having substance or mental health issues.

‘Light construction’ is key toward my volunteer time. I’ll be putting up some shelves, tightening doors or other things and some tree trimming. A tree with its dead branches removed is a happy tree indeed.

Ford Volunteer is taking part in lots of projects as part of their Global Caring Month this September. I look forward to meeting some new handy people as we help out at Hope House in Atlanta. If their cause is one that you want to assist you can read more about them or donate online. You can also follow our twitter stream on Friday, September 16 to check out some of the photos from our construction.

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