The #ArribaPlanes twitter party, July 10, 9PM, prizes from @BowlAMF and more!

If you have a child under 8 you probably saw Planes last year.  Those adults that saw the movie also enjoyed the voice cameos and some of the hipper jokes too. The story of planes with personality and the underdog tale of Dusty is the stuff that is perfect for movie goers in that age group.    Planes-Fire & Rescue is coming to theaters on July 18 and Bloggin Mamas has teamed up with Disney Pictures, Party City and Bowl AMF for the #ArribaPlanes twitter party on July 10 at 9 PM.

Disney Planes Fire & Rescue twitter party July 10, 9 PM

Continue reading The #ArribaPlanes twitter party, July 10, 9PM, prizes from @BowlAMF and more!

Marvel Creativity Studio Deluxe Stylus giveaway and review #Bpopevents

I still read comic books.  A friend of mine from college writes for a couple major comic books now and reading his material makes you realize that it is not easy to write good stories for that medium.  Drawing is an entirely different skill.  I’ve been able to doodle, but that’s it.  The Marvel pen won’t do much to improve my drawing abilities to where I’m on par with today’s comic book artists, but it is great fun to use.

The Marvel Creativity Studio Deluxe Stylus

Continue reading Marvel Creativity Studio Deluxe Stylus giveaway and review #Bpopevents

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