There Are Moms Way Worse Than You, funny prose with legs

The other day I saw a sticker on a car that said, “Baby up in this witch”, except it didn’t say witch. What an odd sticker, I thought. Would that parent be comfortable with their middle elementary-aged reading the sticker that’s on their car to other kids or adults? Thus, because I’m positing those thoughts one could quickly deduce that I was not a fan of using asterisks in the place of curse words. Mind you, I’m no puritan, I just want to have one conversation with my kids and not have to interpret, or hear them sound like a surly college student before they actually get there.

There Are Moms Way Worse Than You is funny, approachable and not what you’re probably expecting. It’s animal moms and how bad they are, presented in stanzas, will leave ages 12 and up in stitches.
This was such an unexpected treat-and will be for you too
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