Gran Turismo is a motivational film that’s better than you think

“Why would he (our 12-year old son) want to see Gran Turismo?”, mused my wife. I snickered just a little bit too because I too had momentarily interchanged Gran Torino with Gran Turismo. To make matters even more challenging for the marketing of the film, Gran Turismo is a movie based on the real-life story of , who was good at playing Gran Tourismo, the video game, and then became a real-life race car driver. I’ve seen this movie before, Rock Star, with Mark Wahlberg and Jennifer Anniston, you older movie fans might be thinking to yourself. But, before you dismiss Gran Tourismo as something that you’ve seen before, here this, it’s actually quite refreshing and has more in common with Rocky, than the cheesy gamer film you’ve imagined.

Gran Turismo overcomes the based-on-a-true-story and the from-gamer-to-racer curse to deliver an entertaining and motivational film.
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