Is Guardians of the Galaxy 2 OK for kids?

Our 7 year old asked us for a cell phone today. He said he wants it to play games. I told him that’s why he has a Nintendo 3DS. He also asked about seeing Guardians of the Galaxy 2. So, Is Guardians of the Galaxy 2 OK for kids? We saw the film and offer up a spoiler free review of it, plus dig down into how the film got its PG-13 rating.

For adult audiences, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is a whoot. It starts off with a raucous alien fights scene where the guardians have taken on a mercenary role and are protecting the power supply for another gold group of aliens. From there Rocket, Groot, Star Lord and Gamora meet up with Yondu, Nebula. They meet Ego, Matis and are sometimes are vexed by Ayesha, the High Priestess of the Sovereigns, a group of genetically created perfect beings.

GOTG2, Guardians of the galaxy 2, is guardians of the galaxy 2 ok for kids, groot, star lord, pg-13

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