Win tickets to Harlem Globetrotters in Atlanta

As a child I vaguely remember seeing the Harlem Globetrotters perform. I recall knowing that Meadowlark Lemon was the stuff of legend. His hook shot, penchant for a massive smile while running the court and making a ‘show’ out of a basketball game was on par to a pop star dancing, singing and choreographing their entire concert, but with a moving target and an outcome that was undecided. Toss in Curly and the rest of the guys and you can tell that I saw them last in the 70’s. The Harlem Globetrotters turn 90 in 2016 and are touring. Family friendly, check. Legends that your children will remember decades from now, check. They’re coming to Atlanta in early March and we’re giving away a family 4-pack of tickets to Harlem Globetrotters at Infinite Energy Arena on March 5 at 2PM.

Harlem Globetrotters, Meadowlark Lemon, legend, basketball, family friendly, Atlanta, harlem globetrotter gwinnett arena

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