A #Heart2Heart with Pop, wishful thinking and lifestyle choices

Hey, I partnered with Life of Dad and Meta Wellness for this promotion. My dad is not a talker. I’m not a talker either but compared to him I’m Leo Getz. It’s an exercise of patience just to get him to tell me anything beyond how the weather is. Mind you, it is not because he’s not of sound mind, he is just not a talker. Our average phone call lasts about 5 minutes. The Heart 2 Heart campaign is all about men having health conversations with their loved ones. Knowing all of this I called my dad to talk about his health.

My health is better than average; thanks to my wife and my father, both of whom  assisted me using opposite methods. My wife is more of the conversationalist, let’s talk-figure out the problem and not repeat it in the future. I love to watch her and my father talk. He squirms like a worm looking for a wet pile of mud to go hide in.

Meta, Metamucil, health bars, fiber, dad, heart2heart, father, health

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