If My Love Were A Fire Truck, gets dad love and more

In the kid lit book world it’s a thin line between sappy dad love and over the top machismo. Usually it’s the stereotype of a well intentioned dad trying to fix something that goes astray. It’s a close relative to the dumb dad that advertisers used to rely on far too much. If My Love Were A Fire Truck by Luke Reynolds with illustrations by Jeff Mack is children’s book that straddles that line with ease. It shows the father figure in the book doing all manner of activities with his son, albeit in his imagination.

With Father’s Day coming up one expects to see more than a couple children’s books aimed at dads. Some will succeed merely because they cater to dudes, while others will have heart, in addition to being able to be read by moms too.

If my love were a fire truck, book, children’s book, kid lit, Luke Reynolds, Jeff Mack

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