Sunrise Summer, a family vacation with gorgeous art and confidence

Sunrise Summer is an illustrated book that is such a welcome treat. From the artwork to its story and concise words; it’s a book that entertains and educates in such a way that some people might consider contrary to the way things are in certain circles. And that is a great thing indeed.

Gorgeous art with an indepent, can-do message kids will love

Do Not Go In There!, a glass half-full/full glass illustrated book

Do Not Go In There! is an illustrated book that looks at the two types of people. Some see the glass half full and those who see it as half empty. It’s a world made up of people who see possibilities and others who see reasons why something shouldn’t be done. Morton and Bogart are the two creatures that toss about the pros and cons in the book. They’re best friends, but like most best friends they don’t see eye to eye on everything.

Great premise, but the execution has been done better
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