Vegetables In Halloween Costumes, dress-up mirth for crawlers

Jared Chapman potty trained my children. It’s not that author/illustrator, Jared Chapman has a side hustle wandering the country training toddlers about the virtues of going to the bathroom in the toilet. Among other books, he’s the author of Vegetables In Underwear. Vegetables In Halloween Costumes takes that theme, focuses on the carrot, and lets crawlers through pre-k kids loose with the laughs.

Vegetables in Halloween Costumes has the produce Jared Chapman has made famous and gives them the chance to dress up.
This is a great halloween board book to start the crawlers out with

Vegetables in Holiday Underwear brings the seasonal big-kid joy

Jared Chapman has cornered the market in joyful toilet training books. That’s a narrow niche, but for those parents who are trying to get their child out of diapers and into underwear this is the most important segment of books that you can read. Mind you, Vegetables in Holiday Underwear is not a wonky toilet training book. Instead, it’s the third book in this series by Chapman to illustrate that has vegetables (and sometimes fruits) talking about underwear (or bathing suits), wanting to wear it and having an amazingly fun time doing it. If there’s a kid from 3-7 years old in your orbit this book will provide laughs aplenty, and just might solve their diaper issue.

Vegetables in Holiday Underwear bring the seasonal joy from Jared Chapman in this great series for kids 3 through 7.
Vegetables in Underwear continues the garden fun for 3 and up
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