Puppy Bus, a wonderfully goofy book about going to school amidst change

It starts in late June for us. The department stores start to display their back-to-school supplies, I’ll jokingly call it my favorite time of year, and my kids will roll their eyes in dad joke disdain. There’s also a wave of books that come out to comfort kids as to the new schedules, expectations and routines that many of them will experience for the first time. Puppy Bus is a silly picture book that pokes fun at the changes or new routines that those younger ages will go through by imagining that the human student gets on the dog school bus.  

Puppy Bus is a lighthearted, fun picture book that’s aimed at ages four through eight and shows them that change at school is OK.
Let the cute back to school books begin

The Power of Yet, picture book fun-with something to say

I spent most of the 2022 school year in a classroom where “Yet” was in large poster board letters on the wall. Then surrounding that word were several short statements encouraging students like “I can’t do that”, which led directly to that large word. The Power of Yet is a picture book by Maryann Cocca-Leffler for pre-K through second graders that primes them to the power of that simple, three-letter word.

The Power of Yet is picture book greatness that teaches young kids about positive thinking, without being preachy
Making storytime great for pre-k and K kids

Truman is an instant classic on a child (and a turtle’s) trepidation

Turtles, hermit crabs, rabbits and hamsters are what I call, fringe pets. Granted they are domesticated animals, but they’re way down in the pecking order of pets. Either due to space or one of the parents putting the kibosh on getting a kitten, these are the pets that you’ll remember from your childhood. I was right there with you as I had rabbits and a crow. Yes, a crow. Truman, however, is a turtle and his human is Sarah. She’s about to start going to kindergarten this is story is about how Truman handles it.

Truman is a feel-good, instant classic of a book that deals with a child’s trepidation about new experiences. It’ll be in your kidlit library for generations.

Bravery, independence and being excited about new experiences all happen on a two-way street. Sarah is somewhat of a solitary kid. She’s not a two-legged, shell-less version of a turtle, but there are some similarities.  They’re both a little shy and are both about to embark on a paradigm shift to their lifestyle.

Until now, it’s just been Sarah and Truman all day. She’d feed him seven green beans each day. He would lie on the floor while she colored and life was simple, slow and just the two of them. One day she gives him two extra beans, reminds him to be brave and closes the door. This of course, freaks out Truman out because her backpack, she’s dressed up more than usual and she was a tense (she’s never tense)-something is wrong.

Truman is a feel-good, instant classic of a book that deals with a child’s trepidation about new experiences. It’ll be in your kidlit library for generations.

This leads Truman to go on a mighty quest to investigate what’s the problem with her today. Alas, Truman is in a glass container (as all good turtles are) and sometimes just getting from the piece of lettuce to the water can be challenging. What is a concerned turtle to do?

Be brave and explore things that you’re uncomfortable with, that’s the answer. That is just what Truman does. From a turtle’s perspective we see him explore, as much as he’s able to, on his rescue mission to see what’s become of Sarah.

Truman is an instant classic on a child (and turtle’s) trepidation

Truman works on so many levels as a children’s illustrated book. First up the art is immediately appealing. The vantage points that Truman sees and the emotions that his little turtle face convey will hook young readers. It hooked me and I’m far older than a young reader. The art is also great for this book. Some pages are corner to corner with color and landscape. Other pages are sparse and illustrate how big the room is relative to the Truman. The one constant is that the colors in the book are the colors. The colors are bright, with a slight retro hue that will remind older readers (me) of comic strips in the Sunday newspaper. However, they have that timeless vibe that will bring in elementary school readers.

Truman is a great, illustrated book with a timeless feel. It’s got lessons for anyone and will appeal to boys or girls aged 5 and up. Those in early through middle elementary will laugh at his adventures and those younger ones will relate to the new, scary experiences, like pre-K or kindergarten.

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