Kitten Lady’s Big Book of Little Kittens, kitten fostering 101

If Kitten Lady’s Big Book of Little Kittens came with an audio soundtrack it would be the sound of elementary aged children laughing, oohing, squealing and ahhing. Then there’d be nothing, because they’d be too occupied with reading the book. This book knows its purpose, is squarely dedicated to that one segment and hits the nail on the head. Hannah Shaw is the founder of the 501c3 Orphan Kitten Club, has appeared on Animal Planet and provides rescue and adoption services to orphaned kittens in San Diego. This is a book that takes an honest, kid-friendly look at fostering kittens.

Cats, they’ve fascinated us since the time of the pyramids. This book is a go-to, kid-friendly way about being a kitten foster
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