Space Adventures, Let’s Tell A Story free-range, yet controlled stories

You get what you deserve when you as an open-ended question to a class of elementary school students. I have a cat. We went to the beach. My sister threw up last night. As a teacher, you will get any response under the sun, most likely not at all related to what your initial query was about. The Let’s Tell A Story series of books on Wide Eyed Editions provides the framework for kids to build their own stories, without going entirely off the rails. Space Adventure lets kids choose from one of over a dozen characters, and then guides them with locations, plot devices, and more so that they can verbally tell their story.

Let’s Tell A Story! Space Adventure sets kids up for storytelling success providing all the elements to tell a fun, engaging story from start to finish.
This is the way to have kids tell wacky, creative stories

Let’s Tell a Story! Fairy Tale Adventure weaves as good as you can

When I was teaching English in Japan the constant bane of my classes was a simple one. “I’m fine thank you”, was their response when I asked them how they were doing. I created dozens of crudely illustrated review cards to help them be comfortable saying I’m hungry, sleepy, angry, tired, exhausted, or just OK that they were on that day. Let’s Tell a Story is a book series that does a similar thing, but it builds a story that kids can easily create and tell by themselves. Let’s Tell a Story Fairy Tale Adventures is also great because of the sheer variety of stories that kids will be able to build.

Let’s Tell A Story Fairy Tale Adventures is a book that prompts kids 5-9 to tell detailed stories with a myriad of outcomes and characters.
For those fable story telling kids that need a push, this is golden
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