LoveBlock, tweaks the block books for the better

We’ve been fans of the Abrams Block Books since AlphaBlock came out and taught our then three-and-a-half-year-old his letters. Internally, I’m going whaaa, it’s really been eight years? That comes for both the age of our oldest son and how long it’s been since we received AlphaBlock. That book series evolved into dinosaurs, numbers, building, Disney, Marvel, and more. With LoveBlock the series from Christopher Franceschelli with art by Peskimo has changed again, albeit in a very subtle way.

LoveBlock takes the art and style of the block books, tweaks it a bit and nails the concept of love for ages one and up.
Love is, this book and its capture of how it’s exemplified in life

Love, a pop-up book that delivers in its simple complexity

When I was a kid I had a pop-up book. To me, it was akin to wondering if the refrigerator light stays on when you shut the door. I found myself mentally twisting and turning as to what the 3-D elements did once I closed the page. Then, a couple of decades later I was volunteering at a book festival when I learned about Robert Sabuda. I saw some of his books and my definition of what makes a good pop-up book changed forever. Love is a Robert Sabuda book. And if you’re familiar with his work the surprise in this one is that it skews just a bit younger and is simpler, while still being mind-bendingly complex.

Robert Sabuda is the king of pop-up books, just open one to see why
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