The Secret Garden, a graphic novel-elementary intro to a classic book

Have you seen those YouTube videos where creators listen to something that is well known in some circles, yet it’s the first time that they’ve experienced it? There’s the famous Phil Collins one and there are also some great ones that I like with Iron Maiden and Dream Theater. Those videos are fun to watch because they validate what we already know to be true, plus they’re entertaining and it’s great to see others enjoy what you personally, have liked for a while.

The Secret Garden is like that for me. I know it’s a classic and a book that millions, perhaps even every middle school reader alive have read. They’ve seen the movies, have dioramas about it, and more, yet I’ve never read it. The Secret Garden, a graphic novel is adapted by Mariah Marsden with illustrations by Hanna Luechtefeld and is a lovely piece of work.

The Secret Garden graphic novel presents the classic book via an all-age graphic novel that’s charming and great for ages 8 and up.
A graphic novel ye be, a reading this classic I will see
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