Marvel The Amazing 1000 Dot-To-Dot is laser focused fun for teens and up

“I used to love dot-to-dot puzzles”, the lady at the bagel place said as she sat next to me. I felt just a bit juvenile as she said that and opened up Marvel, The Amazing 1000 Dot-To-Dot Book so that she could see one of the incomplete puzzles. “Wow, does everyone need a magnifying glass to do them or are we just old”?

It eased my ego and aging eyes to let her know that even our 7 year old needed a magnifying glass when he tried to do one. He tried to do it with his toy magnifying glass. I tried to complete one of the puzzles with that, but then realized that I needed to go full Monty and buy a proper magnifying glass.

Marvel the amazing 1000 dot-to-dot book, puzzle, dot to dot, magnifying glass,

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