Magnificent Women of Marvel, collectible/novelty or board book?

When is a board book not a board book? When it turns into a store. OK, that is not the answer, but it’s a question that one might be asking themselves when they pick up Magnificent Women of Marvel, Pop Up, Play and Display!. Sure, the pages are printed on board book thickness, which might imply that the book is geared for crawlers through kindergarten readers. However, when you look at the text it’s far too wordy and has pop-up elements on each page that are in no way able to withstand a crawler’s clumsy hands. The best way to think of Magnificent Women of Marvel is to use terminology that one would normally use with Ray Stevens or Dickie Goodman.

Who are you, no really, who are you

Black Widow spins a frustrating web of low-end MCU

For my James Bond fans, imagine showing someone who has never seen a 007 film Skyfall, and then showing them from the campier Roger Moore era movies. The difference in those films is vast, some people enjoy both equally, while others see one as being a better movie than the other. That sums up Black Widow when compared to other action films or MCU movies. This is a movie that would’ve felt more at home if it were released in 2018. That schedule would’ve also allowed audiences to forgive the numerous flaws that live within the film. However, it’s been ages since we’ve been to the movie theater so let’s all go, unless it’s available on Disney + in a couple of weeks for no extra charge.

Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) in Marvel Studios’ BLACK WIDOW, in theaters and on Disney+ with Premier Access. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. ©Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved.
Natasha, you deserved better
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