Mina, an illustrated book of whimsy and mirth that’s one of the year’s best

Lo, and the boat shall not be missed twice. In my mind, Vincent Price is saying those words to me as I read Mina. Mina is by author and illustrator Matthew Forsythe, the creator of one of our favorite illustrated books of all time, Pokko and the Drum. That book was released in 2019 and was on every one of the Top 10 Children’s Booklists that we saw from that year for good reason. Mina is the follow-up to that book and will receive many of the same accolades. They’re also well deserved. The combination of beautiful art, with the sublime, simple, and silly story will have audiences four and up in stitches.

Mina is an illustrated book for ages four an up that dances between gorgeous art, concise words, great story and big smiles.
Only nine more in our top-10 list for 2022 to go
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