Monopoly Token Madness ends 1/31, #MonopolyVote, #SaveScottie

January 31, 2017 is the last day to vote and this is an election where your vote really matters. It’s OK to be aggressively pro-candidate or anti-top hat, because this is all about Monopoly. Monopoly has opened up the fate of all their tokens to the internet. It’s like the Highlander, times 8, for there can be only 8 in #MonopolyVote.

Monopoly, save Scottie, Scottie, token

Simply go to their website and you’ll be shown all of the various tokens that people can choose from. Some of them you’ll recognize and have fond feelings for, like Scottie Dog, as well as other tokens that you’ll be hard pressed to remember.

The top 8 vote winners will be announced on March 13.

Vote today and #SaveScottie

Monopoly, save Scottie, Scottie, token



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