Monty The Dinosaur, a happy, must-see all ages comic book

Sometimes things get missed. Monty The Dinosaur from Action Lab Entertainment is a comic book that was on our radar, but somehow we missed its release date. Well, it came out the other week and it is utterly fabulous. Monty The Dinosaur has the soul of a comic strip in the packaging of a comic book.  It delivers laughs for younger kids and has the timeless appeal that older readers will immediately recall from their favorite newspaper comic strips.

Monty The Dinosaur is just that, a dinosaur living in modern times trying to fit in. He tries silly disguises like fake moustaches in his effort to blend into society so that he can make friends. Unfortunately for him he’s huge, sneezes and proceeds to scare people off when they realize he’s a dinosaur.

Monty The Dinosaur, action lab, action lab entertainment, dinosaur, sophie,

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