Beautifully Me, a well-intentioned book kids won’t want to read

The Venn Diagram of authors, publishers, and readers is complex. Authors want everyone to read their books. Publishers love books that sell and readers have a variety of entry points. That last category could be a book that’s entertaining, fun to read (or look at), makes you think, teaches a lesson, or educates. It’s those last two classifications that are often the trickiest to maneuver in illustrated books. Beautifully Me is the story of Zubi, an overweight kid who is starting pre-K. It’s an illustrated book whose message about accepting everyone for who they are needs to be heard by young readers.

Beautifully Me is a book that wears its noble intentions on its sleeve, but doesn’t stick the landing due to the illustrations and ironically, the message.
A message that kids need in a book that’s preachy
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