At the intersection of Octonauts and Star Wars

Our oldest son just turned 7. Prior to much planning or research he opted for a Star Wars themed birthday party at home. For a kid turning 7 a Star Wars birthday party is a safe bet. We planned some cool Star Wars themed games for the party, sent out the invitations and let the Force be with us. Shortly after that we went to Toys R’ Us to see what toys were new and popular. It was then that he saw things that neither of us expected to see, Octonauts toys.

He was a couple isles ahead of us and I heard him yell, “daddy, daddy, Octonauts toys”. This had to be a mistake, I thought. I knew there weren’t any toys from that series. Last spring every big box store put their Octonauts toys on clearance and hasn’t had them since.

Octonauts, star wars, phineas & ferb, octonauts toys, yoda, gups,

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