Pigskins to Paintbrushes, a life and book to inspire readers 8 and up

Non-fiction illustrated books have a special place in the classroom and library. Depending on the reader’s level they can provide a brief introduction into a true story, a deeper dive into a piece of history, motivate further reading, or more. Pigskins to Paintbrushes, The Story of Football-Playing Artist Ernie Barnes is one of those illustrated books that will have readers in those categories and more. It’s a book that will also draw in those kids who want to read about sports. Of course, all of this is a moot point unless the book is entertaining and one that kids will relate to.

Pigskins to Paintbrushes is so much more than the story of an artist turned football player, or vice versa. It’s inspiring, fun to read, empowering and teachable also.
This is an example of what non-fiction illustrated books should aspire to
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