PJ Masks toys and crafts for the kids: review

Hey, we’re a PJ Masks Ambassador and received these for review. All thoughts are our own. Ode to be a pre-k through early elementary school student. It’s a magical time of the year for toys and games, general merriment and occasional not listening to parents. We were sent some cool PJ Masks toys and activities to play with. Here’s what our 5 and 7 year old thought of them.

First up we look at “To The Cat-Car” book. It’s a board book that has Catboy giving a guided tour of the Cat-Car. As the pages are thicker, it accommodates the wheels on the bottom of the book that provide the imagination some spark for kids to create their own Cat-Car.

Pj masks, pj maks toys, cat car book, pj masks matching game, kids, toys r us, catboy, pj masks matching game, owlette

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