Fathers, buy your diaper bags carefully

When we were looking for a diaper bag my wife insisted that it be something that I’m comfortable with carrying, both in appearance and feel.  As usual, my wife was correct and also had a bit of foresight by knowing that I tend not to use things that I don’t like. 

It’s not something I’d admit to in mixed company, but one of the unforeseen advantages of having a baby is being able to carry around the diaper bag.  Continue reading Fathers, buy your diaper bags carefully

Odd jobs, balloons and Dan Rather

Babies love balloons.  Whenever we go to a store that sells balloons it’s always a welcome distraction to point to them, learn colors and attempt to quiet the gathering sonic storm from Baby Mojo.  Being responsible parents we knew that having  a balloon or two at his first birthday party would be a good thing.   

Mom and I had planned a Dr. Suess themed party.  We had a big red blanket and I was in charge of getting some nice red balloons.  While I was at the store, looking at the packs of balloons with Baby Mojo I had some great memories of where I’ve been and what I’ve done.  Being an ex radio guy one would expect that I had a story or memory about a retro German 80s song; however, for a brief period of time I also did singing telegrams. Continue reading Odd jobs, balloons and Dan Rather

Travelling with a toddler

Our first trip as a family was to the beach, with an infant.  Nine months later we made the same trip with a toddler.  The second trip was infinitely more enjoyable while we were there, but, was a crying mess going and coming. 

The trip down there with a toddler was much worse than coming back and the next trip should be even easier, now that we’ve learned a couple things.  Continue reading Travelling with a toddler

The immutable law of attraction: Dream, Cats, Mall

Baby Mojo is about to take his first step.  Because of that he’s been crawling fast, grabbing lots and seriously exhausting this stay at home dad.  When I’m beat down I have good dreams and lately, they’ve been great.  They’ve been so good that I’ve started writing down a couple words when I wake up so I can remember them later. 

In my dream I was in Canal City, a futuristic shopping mall in Fukuoka, Japan.    Continue reading The immutable law of attraction: Dream, Cats, Mall

Dad goes to the Apple store for the first time

Mom’s iPod battery stopped charging the other week.  Being the stay at home dad and keeper of Baby Mojo I offered for us to go by the Apple store to get a new battery.

A bit of background information:  Daddy Mojo doesn’t have an mp3 player.  I’ve got hundreds of cds and have burned some of them on the computer, but haven’t fully leapt over digitally yet.  Call me a relic or fan of album cover art, but all the new music I purchase is still on disc.  Somewhere Captain Planet is shaming me into making the leap fully to digital music. Continue reading Dad goes to the Apple store for the first time

Five movies that estrogen love and dads can enjoy

Marriage can be called the grand compromise. When men enter this partnership and become a husband or maybe even a father, they have certain things that they’ll need to hunker down and take. As a new husband I learned quickly that the cinematic tastes of the fairer sex were one of those things. When I became a father, my capacity to appreciate some of her favorite movies increased, as long as I was sitting down and didn’t have a writhing, screaming toddler near me. Continue reading Five movies that estrogen love and dads can enjoy

Once more with feeling-Crash course in reality television

I had always been curious about reality television.  When I had the opportunity to have It’s Me or the Dog tape an episode at PAWS Atlanta I jumped at the chance.  Prior to their taping I had several conversations with the producers and explained why the shelter would be a good candidate for the show.  The producers had been kicking around the possibility of doing an episode of It’s Me or the Dog that was centered on an animal shelter, instead of a family having issues with a couple of dogs.  Continue reading Once more with feeling-Crash course in reality television

CATS-off Broadway and in your house

I’m a stay at home dad now. My wife said that she knew that I loved our son because when he was born I rubbed noses with him like I do with our cats.  For the first couple years of our marriage she would occasionally (sarcastically?) accuse me of liking the cats more than her.  Now we’re deeper into our marriage and I know that she was being sarcastic. 

Cats are great pets, but they sometimes get a bum rap.  Continue reading CATS-off Broadway and in your house

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