Rugrats-finally on DVD giveaway, 26 years on they age well

Way back in 1991 Rugrats debuted on Nickelodeon. It forever changed television and became one of the go-to cartoons for millennials. Now Rugrats Season 1 and Season 2 are finally available on DVD. Our children had never seen an episode of Rugrats and immediately resonated with the characters.

Rugrats, giveaway, rugrats on DVD, rugrats season 1, rugrats season 2, Nickelodeon

One difference between Rugrats and some of the shows that they watch now is that Rugrats has heart and emotion. It is certainly a comedy, but it never forgets the family or the struggles that really small children go through. Sure Tommy was a toddler, but the way he communicated and his interpersonal relationships seemed older. That aspect allowed him to connect with viewers who are older, which is rare for shows today. Today’s shows often have characters acting older than what they really are. Actually enjoying a show where older kids are watching a show about babies-and it’s entertaining is rare indeed.

Another bonus is the cost of the Rugrats DVDs. Season 1 has 26 episodes for 316 minutes on two discs at $14.99. Season 2 is spread out over four discs, 657 minutes of content and 56 episodes for $19.99. That is a great bang for the buck when compared to some newer releases that might retail for that same price but only have 6 episodes. If you don’t win then you can purchase them on DVD when they go on sale May 2.

Rugrats on DVD, Season 1 and Season 2

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