Samurai at the High kindles wonder and imagination for the ages

There is something about samurai warriors that conjure up every corner of our imagination. Your age or sex doesn’t matter; it’s the thought of dozens of skilled warriors battling it out with thick wooden sticks, sharp swords, and body armor made from ancient craftsmen that feed that fire. Granted, adults of a certain age may also channel their inner samurai with a set of Ginsu Knives. More cerebral folks might study Japanese history and the evolution that samurai had over hundreds of years in Japan. Samurai: Armor from the Collection of Ann and Gabriel Barbier-Mueller is on display until September 17, 2023, at High Museum of Art and is an exhibition that will entertain all of those camps and more.

Samurai: Armor from the Collection of Ann and Gabriel Barbier-Mueller is a detailed exhibition on those warriors on display at High Museum of Art.
Keep Calm and Samurai on
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