Last minute Mother’s Day gift pickup at Sears for the last woman I’ll ever pick up

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Life of Dad and Sears. I have received compensation for this post; however, all opinions stated are my own. To be clear, the last woman that I’ll ever pick up was done about 15 years ago. She was wearing a Santa hat and we were at a fundraiser that some friends and I organized to raise money for animal shelters. Over time something’s have changed in our relationship, but one constant is that I do not like shopping. To that end Sears has launched a new service that allows you to shop on your smart phone, arrange for local pickup and then have the item delivered to your car as you wait outside. Sure this weekend is Mother’s Day; but the real gift for me is not having to go into the mall with the kids.

Mother’s Day, Sears, app, wife, gift, life of dad.

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