Camp Warner Bros. is in effect through mid August

97 out of 100 summer camps have been cancelled. To compensate for that some brands have really stepped up to give parents a break in certain areas. Camp Warner Bros. starts this week. In addition to introducing you and your family to potentially new entertainment they’ll have weekly activities that were created around certain releases.

This week has Super Hero Training, which is something any parent can relate to and might need help with. Granted, part of that could be a distraction and parents know that an entertaining distraction is far different than just a diversion for children. LEGO DC: Shazam! Magic and Monsters is celebrating its release and is certain to entertain LEGO, DC or audiences aged 5 and up that want to laugh and have fun.

For example, here’s the Batman Workout that kids will certainly get a laugh out of. It’s geared towards those young children who’ll be able to find Batman or who want to fight crime in their backyard.

Here’s the schedule for Camp Warner Bros. this summer. There’s something for any camper, so pay loose attention.

Week 1: Super Hero Training, LEGO DC: Shazam! Magic and Monsters

Week2: DIY Crystal Gems, Steven Universe: The Movie

Week 3: Gummy Bear Slime, We Bare Bears: The Movie

Week 4: Cooking & Coloring, Scoody-Doo and the WrestleMania Mystery

Week 5: Character Bank, Teen Titan’s Go! Vs. Teen Titans

Week 6: Summer Goals, Alex and Me

Week 7: Drive in Movie, The Fast and the Furry

Week 8: Talent Show, Family Matters: Season 1

LEGO DC: Shazam! Magic and Monsters is available now for those growing superheroes who need great entertainment.

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