Hard working dad doesn’t’ shower daily, still #Smellegendary with Old Spice

I partnered with Life of Dad and Old Spice for this promotion. I fell asleep during my son’s karate class today. Last night I worked until midnight, woke up at 6AM, made lunch, breakfast, got the kids to school, worked in the morning and then picked up one of them from school at 11:00. It was his intention to go home and play the Shark Game, but I needed to go to the gym and work out. Suddenly it’s 12:30 PM and I still had to go grocery shopping, do the dishes, fold the laundry and fry the bacon up in a pan-which I would promptly eat. This is the typical day of the Hardest Working Dad. However, because I care for those around me I elected not to smell malodorous I used Old Spice Dirt Destroyer in the shower (no photos from that one-lest ye be 21, pay off our mortgage or go to our non-existent dark web site). On the contrary, I #Smellegendary.  Like marinara sauce on your pizza we also used Old Spice Odor Blocker under the arms-you can’t prove that it’s there, but once you taste it-or don’t smell me in this case, you believe it.

Old Spice, #Smellegendary, shower, dad, odor, stink, parenting, dirty, dirt destroyer, odor blocker, hardest working collection

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