Spy School Project X, marks the spot on go-to, mglit

Mglit is an abbreviation for middle-grade fiction. However, there are many instances where an mglit book can also be perfect for upper-elementary school readers. It’s kind of like the colloquial definition of art, it varies and can depend on who is viewing it. By any definition, Spy School is one of the go-to, must-read book series for the aforementioned groups. Spy School Project X is the tenth book in that series and, while it does show signs of maturity, it doesn’t show signs of decreasing quality or tired characters.

Spy School Project X is the tenth book in this fabulous mglit series, yet is as spry, fast and fun as it started. They are go-to books for ages eight and up.
To change, evolve and still maintain excellence-this does that

Charlie Thorne and the Curse of Cleopatra, mglit as great as it gets

Soooooo good. We’ll just cut to the chase on Charlie Thorne and the Curse of Cleopatra and say that this book all but reads itself due to it being so entertaining. It’s one of those middle school books that upper elementary kids can read, and that their parents will borrow from them-and find it just as entertaining. Curse of Cleopatra, much like the first book in the Charlie Thorne series, is so much fun to read that you’ll wish that you hadn’t read it so that you can read it again the first time. So what is this book that had me and our 12 YO raving about?

Charlie Thorne and the Curse of the Cleopatra is the third entry in this consistently enthralling series for grades four and up (way up)
This series.

Spy School The Graphic Novel, the go-to mglit series in illustrated form

Yeah, but the book was better. People might be used to hearing that when engaging in discussion about popular movies. It’s a similar conversation and vibe to those who softly gloat about first hearing a band. Spy School The Graphic Novel will elicit the same Pavlovian response to some upper elementary through middle school readers. The Spy School mglit book series has been a go-to franchise since 2012. It breathlessly threads the needle between action, believability, and life in a manner that results in these books constantly being checked out from libraries. We are massive fans of graphic novels and realize that they fill a need in getting young audiences to read. The nagging thought in our mind was questioning if a graphic novel was able to capture the fun and joy that the Spy School books brought out in readers.

Spy School The Graphic Novel is a textbook graphic novel that can inspire kids to read more novels.
Graphic novel or novel: this is hard wired to be great

Spy School At Sea effortlessly sails like few middle grade books can

Upper elementary school kids love the Spy School book series from Stuart Gibbs. One could insert ‘middle school’ instead of ‘elementary’ in that sentence. You could also just simply say that readers aged eight and up love the Spy School book series. It’s an example of an author who can create characters and a story that’s thoroughly engaging, as well as, very smart. Moreover, Gibbs is able to do so at a level that’s not going to scare away young readers due to its big vocabulary, nor adult readers due to being too juvenile. Spy School At Sea is the ninth book in this venerable series that deepens the personal relationships, without showing any age in our young protagonists.

Spy School at sea, all aboard for a fabulous read

Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation is awesome middle school Bourne

Stuart Gibbs Level Up.  The name of the book is Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation. However, when we were reading it that’s what we kept thinking of the book in our head. Stuart Gibbs, the author of Spy School book series that upper elementary and middle students love has really upped his game with Charlie Thorne. This is the series that fans of Spy School need if they want their action and story just a bit older than Ben Ripley. A side vision in my mind had Gibbs thinking to himself, “You want a book that has more action and will demo just slightly higher? Take that!” He’ll then drop the mic and challenge someone to a dance off in the street.

Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation is spy-centered realistic fiction from New York Times bestselling author Stuart Gibbs that leaves ages 10 and up breathless.
Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation is middle school (and up) spy gold
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