Star Wars: Forces of Destiny, Tales of Hope & Courage review

At the intersection of Wimpy Kid and Star Wars lies Forces of Destiny, Tales of Hope & Courage. It’s a hardback graphic novel, with six original stories that are presented in a journal format. Moreover, the book’s narrator is Maz Kanata and has more vocabulary than illustrations, but still easily qualifies as a graphic novel.

The women of Star Wars take the lead in Tales of Hope & Courage. Princess Leia, Jyn Erso, Ahsoka Tano, Rey, Sabine Wren and Padme Amidala each have their own story. Young readers, especially Star Wars fans will enjoy the storytelling pattern that Maz Kanata. They’re presented in a home spun, folky way that young readers won’t realize, but holds their hand as they maneuver their way through the book. Older readers might equate Maz’ style to The Storyteller from Jim Henson or some other relaxed, trusted soul who’s telling tales.

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