The BFG, Spielberg’s best (children’s) film since E.T.

In April I attended Disney Social Media Moms at Walt Disney World. One of the things that they gave attendees was a copy of Roald Dahl’s book, The BFG. I had never read it and picked it up one night when I was bored and it absolutely blew me away. It’s a fabulous book for older elementary school kids to read or a great one for parents to read to ages 5 and up. We were provided with the book because the movie version of The BFG is now a big movie directed by Steven Spielberg. The book is a classic and one of the most imaginative ones that we’ve ever read-the film couldn’t possibly stand up to those expectations, could it?

The BFG, steven Speilberg, giants, Roald Dahl, children, movie, film, book, big friendly giant,

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