The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess, timeless excellence

Have you ever experienced something so awesome that you wish that you hadn’t seen it so that you could enjoy it for the first time again? Creepy Carrots was the last illustrated book to do this to us. On television, it was Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, however, those shows are most certainly for adults or some teens. As much as I enjoyed that, it’s the all-age entries that are more impressive. The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess is an illustrated book that roars up alongside its contemporaries and happily rises to the cream of the crop. Even a casual glance at the cover, seeing the wood graphics on the spine and the dozens of hidden details that are lovingly drawn in give readers the impression that they’re in for something special.

The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess is an illustrated fairy tale that makes you want to believe. It’s smart, great for ages three and up and a timeless book for the ages.
A new classic. Your grandchildren will be reading this in a decade or two
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