The True West, an illustrated reference book on unsung old west heroes

Another great title to The True West would be The Forgotten West, but that one has more letters and it wouldn’t have been as succinct. Its brevity is one reason why students will be attracted to the book. The cover to The True West really invites people to discover some of the forgotten, rarely mentioned or unsung folks who tamed that era of history. Also, the manner in which the cover for The True West is laid out gives the book an adventure-waiting-to-happens vibe. It shows Annie Oakley, Bill Pickett, and Deadwood Dick, three old-west icons that most people know, but who share a characteristic that some might not have realized or thought about.

The True West is an approachable reference book that tells tales of the old west that elementary kids only think that they know.
Non-fiction that kids will find fascinating
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