The Woman Who Split the Atom, an easy top 10 mglit for 2022

The Woman Who Split the Atom is a fascinating, entertaining, non-fiction book that dares you not to enjoy it. That’s a big claim, especially when you consider that the key group that the book is going after are those middle school, mglit readers who can be notoriously fickle. Now, factor in that the book is the true story about a scientist whose groundbreaking work as a physicist changed the world. Oh, and this physicist is a Jewish woman who you probably haven’t heard of who did the bulk of her research in Germany in the early 20th century. With all of that going against it, the book tells the story of Lise Meitner in a way that even the most reluctant middle school reader will eagerly turn the pages to see what happens next.

The Woman Who Split the Atom, the true story of Lise Meitner is presented and constructed in an irresistible way for readers aged 10 and up.
Stop, collaborate and read this book-it is incredible for ages 10 and up
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