Twinkle Twinkle, Little Car is a rhyming, great good night time

First off, any aspiring children’s book authors can kick themselves for not thinking about this book’s title before now. Secondly, Twinkle Twinkle Little Car by Kat Dopirak with illustrations by Mary Peterson is as cute and engaging as one hoped its fabulous title implies. It connects all of the dots required to make an entertaining children’s picture book does it as effectively as any sales person you’ve encountered.

The classic sales adage goes, first you tell people what you’ll be selling them, and then you sell it to them. In this case, the underlying ‘need’ is for small children to go to sleep. Granted the title, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Car implies sleep; but the journey that the car goes on, as well as, that of your targeted reading audience should be far sleepier.

Twinkle twinkle, twinkle twinkle little car, childrens book car, kate dopirak, mary Peterson, Continue reading Twinkle Twinkle, Little Car is a rhyming, great good night time

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