100% Unofficial Fortnite Pro Guide is more basic than its name implies

When I look at Fortnight I see absolutely nothing that I can identify with. Upper elementary school aged kids, through middle schoolers see something totally opposite. Fornite is a Rorschach Test where gamers see victorious avatars dancing victoriously over their opponents and I see dystopian characters who look like a cosplay version of So You Think You Can Dance. 100% Unofficial Fornite Pro Guide is a book that even those who’ve been playing the game for a short period will benefit from. The reading level is on par with those upper elementary age students that want to up their game or reinforce what they know about one of the world’s most popular video games.

Fornite is by any estimation a massive, world-wide phenomenon. It’s played by more than 25 million people and season 10 of Fortnite has just been released. Even our 7 year-old, who has only played less than a dozen video games, is familiar with Fortnite. He’s also in love with the concept of playing it, which he’ll do soon enough.

We gave 100% Unofficial Fortnite Pro Guide to an 11 year-old gamer who says that he’s very good at Fornite. After giving him an hour or two to read the book I went back to find him on his phone…playing Fortnite.

Me: How was the book?

11 YO Gamer: Good.

Me: So, did you learn anything from it? Where there any top secret tips? (in hindsight, I might have asked this too eagerly….)

11 YO Gamer: No, I knew everything.

Oh, do you really? So I picked up the book and thumbed through to ask him five pop questions from it. What are the four areas? Who is Bonesy? There were a couple other questions, but he gave me such a surly sideways stare I realized that he did know everything in this book and I just looked like the out-of-touch middle aged dad who didn’t know the deal.

Retreating back for a moment I asked “what’s the stock ticker for the company that owns Fortnite”? “Well, Epic Games owns Fornite”, he said. I game him partial credit for that answer and directed him towards Tencent.

100% Unofficial Fortnite Pro Guide is a good, more basic book than its name would imply. For non-users it looks and feels like a pro guide, however those Fornite players that are 11 and up are likely to know the majority of the tips in the book. If you’re brand new to Fornite, this is a good primer as it’ll hardwire you about the basics and what add-ons help you play like a better gamer.

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